Lots of opportunities to create innovative packaging. Attractive and impactful packaging, appropriate for the product and sustainable. Create your packaging easily in a few minutes and have them delivered to your home within a few days!

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Innovative packaging

Some of our customisable boxes

Window Boxes

Pillow boxes

Crash lock boxes

Flip lid gift box

Boxes with thumb tab

Heavy duty boxes

Boxes with handle

Favour boxes

Your innovative packaging

The importance of packaging – why be innovative?

If, in theory, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, in practice almost everyone does. Just as people judge how others are dressed, they also judge a product and its packaging. It is not a question of malice or superficiality but the appearance of a person or a product communicates a lot, like attention to detail and quality. Often these elements act subconsciously and we do not even realise it, but they influence the first impression we have of someone or something.

That is why packaging is so important to a product because it may affect a consumer's interest and influence their propensity to buy. Customers can be attracted by the bright colours or an appealing print on the box, or by the convenience of certain packaging and how it facilitates the use or transport of the product, or they can be influenced by the eco-friendly packaging and the absence of plastic.

Innovative packaging can be essential to increase sales and attract new customers!

How can we make innovative packaging? Here are some examples!

There are several ways to make your packaging innovative but in principle, they all revolve around these 3 elements:

  1. Innovative appearance: A company that produced milk and dairy products with a blue cat printed on its milk cartons. The figure of the cat was modular by placing the cartons together and many versions showed the cat in different positions. This incentivised consumers to buy an extra carton to complete the figure or to buy that same carton again in the future. A company that produced brushes created a box with windows so that the bristles of the brushes looked like the moustache of a face printed on the package. Finally, a company that produced biscuits created boxes in the shape of an oven so that opening it seemed to churn out the biscuits, thus communicating their freshness. These are just a few examples but they show how innovative packaging can influence consumer choice.
  1. Innovative packaging functionality: One of the most important elements of packaging is how innovative it is! This can determine whether consumers buy or not and takes on strategic importance, especially with the so-called "commodities", that is the series of products that have fairly standard characteristics from one brand to the next, such as toilet paper or bottled water. For these products, if we think carefully about the functionality of the packaging in aiding the transport or use of the product, the addition of a carry handle or a particularly comfortable grip can determine the preference for one product over another.
  2. Sustainable innovative packaging: Especially in recent years, the innovativeness of a product and its packaging is often associated with its sustainability and this is due to the fact that climate change and pollution require some changes to be made, to abandon some materials and avoid waste. Faced with this challenge, the market poses the question “How can we be innovative with our packaging and our products, making them more sustainable but without giving up the comforts we have had up until now? Packaging is a necessary element but it can become innovative packaging by using new materials, less plastic or using materials from circular recycling economies.

How to create innovative packaging with Pixartprinting

Here, we offer some examples of innovative packaging to provide you with some food for thought and everything you need to create your packaging. It is now up to you to find a way to innovate with the packaging of your products and make it a driving force in the sales process.

In our catalogue, you will find many solutions for innovative packaging. Choose the solution that best meets your needs and then you can customise several aspects. You can choose the dimensions, the material, the finishes to be applied to the box and much more. Finally, you can obviously apply your own custom design to the box. If you already have the artwork, just upload it to us. If you need to create a print file, you can do it yourself using our 3D design tool or you can contact our experienced graphic designers who will help you create a design for your innovative packaging!

Greeting CardLogo StickersAnd many others...

Customise and innovate its appearance!

Upload your design if you already have one tailored to your box, otherwise, you can use our intuitive 3D design tool by selecting the "Create your file" option.

Choose the box that is closest to your needs from our extensive catalogue. You can then change the size and other different aspects!

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