Photo Posters

Choose our photo posters and print your images on a superior quality product, with the option of photo paper or canvas. Customise them with a mount and add a frame or magnetic wooden hangers, both available in three different colours.

  • Two materials
  • Two designs
  • Hanging kit

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Custom framed poster

Posters are a classic decorative item for walls, ideal for all kinds of images – whether you want a large print of your favourite band’s iconic poster, a happy photo of your family or pets, one your favourite travel snaps or landscapes, a poster can work in all scenarios. With Pixartprinting’s custom framed posters, the frame is optional, so you can keep things simple and choose the print only or add a frame in one of three colours.

Your custom poster with frame will be printed on photo quality card in a choice of four sizes with optional accessories available to facilitate hanging on the wall. So, get creative, dig out your best photos and order your custom framed posters today at incredible prices!

Custom framed poster formats and material

The custom poster with frame is available in four sizes (18 x 13 cm, 29.7 x 21 cm, 40 x 30 cm or 70 x 50 cm). The posters are printed on FSC®-certified paper specially designed for digital photo printing with a coating on one side, so you get the highest-quality prints with sharp details and bright colours, no matter what kind of image you choose.

Custom framed poster colours and hanging kit

The size you choose for your poster affects the frame and hanging kit options, so bear that in mind when considering your ideal product. With the largest size (70 x 50 cm), there is no option to add a frame, making this an excellent choice for a simple and classic poster look. With the other three sizes, you can choose a black, white or wood-coloured frame. When it comes to hanging your posters, there are metal hooks attached to the custom poster with frame, or your can order a set of repositionable stickers if you want to avoid drilling into your walls. There is also a stand on the back of the 13 x 18 cm and 21 x 29.7 cm formats so you can even stand these on a shelf or desk.

Designer: create your graphics for your custom framed posters in our free online tool

Have you tried our new Designer tool yet? It’s an online tool and is completely free to use. You can upload your photo or image and use the special features to create your artwork. Add text, crop your photo, change the colours and even add some of our pre-made designs to the background. Then preview the final result before sending your custom framed poster to print. Easy!

How to order custom framed posters

Follow the step-by-step order form to create your custom poster with frame.

  1. Configure the product by selecting your preferred size, frame, accessories, etc.
  2. Enter your desired quantity.
  3. Tell us how you will send us your print file (upload to the upload area after completing your purchase or use our Designer tool).
  4. Check the delivery date and price and submit your order.

If you have any problems or questions, our Customer Support service is available seven days a week.

Custom framed posters for stylish wall art and photo gifts

Personalised framed posters are a unique way to decorate your walls or give one-of-a-kind photo gifts that show real effort. What better way to celebrate a wedding anniversary or Valentine’s Day than with a photo capturing a stunning image of the couple or ceremony? Alternatively, you could create festive prints for Christmas presents to remind loves one of happy Christmas dinners and parties from the past. Whatever the occasion, use your creativity and really surprise the recipient with custom framed posters.

Custom framed posters and much more

Pixartprinting offers a vast selection of options for printing your photos and creating beautiful wall art. Visit our Wall Décor section to see how many different materials you can print on, from canvas to aluminium and much more. And when there is no more room on your walls, take a look at all the photo gifts you can create: customised cushions, backpacks, drawstring bags and tote bags.